
Central gravity Milan Dobeš

In the context of the development of post-socialist countries, it is clear that economic and symbolic capital must be connected in order for culture to function properly. Therefore the collection of Art Fond - Central European Contemporary Art Fund is unique in our environment and inspirational for further manifestations of the conscious support and preservation of cultural heritage. By focusing on contemporary culture, we are able to support local cultural communities and contemporary artists, while assisting them in being engaged in international contexts. We aim to contribute to the development of art, collecting philosophy and the adjustment of the art market, while educating the general public on the quality and collecting of art through exhibitions, educational programmes, publishing and other such worthy activities. Quality art is not only an interesting investment alternative; it is also a value which requires systematic support and development.

The systematic collection and preservation of contemporary art is an essential endeavour to reflect the visual imagery and values of our era for the benefit of future generations.